Student Success Plan

Participants will learn about and design Student Success Plans (SSP) and through the use of a SSP template, help create an environment at school offering ongoing success. Learning to use the SSP will allow participants to encourage parents to advocate for their children throughout the school year and create the successful academic learning environment they desire. Presenters will demonstrate the use of the SSP format ultimately allowing attendees to develop several plans based on individual scenarios.


MICHELE BRITT, BS IN SPECIAL ED Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Michele Britt is an outpatient teacher and school re-entry specialist in the Dialysis Unit at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. She graduated with a degree in Special Education from Millersville University in Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to Phoenix Children’s Hospital, she served as an educational liaison and hospital teacher in the Aflac Cancer Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta as well as Children’s Seashore House at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition, she taught for nine years as a special educator in Jefferson County Schools in Colorado. Michele is an advocate for children with chronic health needs and continues to work with multiple disciplines to ensure a smooth transition between the hospital and school setting.

VIRGINIA TRIMBLE, MED Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Virginia Trimble has been a hospital teacher and re-entry specialist for nine years with experience at Cardon Children’s Medical Center and now at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Virginia earned her undergraduate degree in Elementary and Special Education from Northern Arizona University, and furthered her education with a M.Ed. in Administration and Adult and Continuing Education. As a retired public school special education teacher, Success Facilitator and AVID teacher; she found that children with medical challenges were often unsuccessful with achievement goals unless they had an advocate who understood the educational process and assisted the family. She was also fortunate to have witnessed the amazing successes of medically fragile students when they did receive appropriate support. Her personal goal became problem solving with patients, their families and their school settings to offer success and fulfillment while learning. She continues to learn each day from her patients!

Survey and Contact Hours
End of Session Survey
2021 HEAL Virtual Conference Session/Speaker Evaluation





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Available Contact Hours: 1
To receive contact hours, end of session surveys must be completed by March 26, 2021. Contact hours will be calculated and certificates will be emailed during the month of April.