Implementation of a Tiered Service Model for School Intervention: Results and Lessons

This session presents the results from the first year of a three-year study. The school intervention program is using the BSNI (Elam, Murphy, & Irwin, 2019) to establish level of school needs and then provide tiered services to meet the level of need for patients in the Division of Hematology/Oncology. The study assesses the feasibility and fidelity of a tiered service model. Year one data and lessons learned in the implementation process are shared.


KATHRYN KIRKPATRICK, MSW, PHD, LISW-S Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Kathryn is the education coordinator for the hematology/oncology division at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She has led the development of the school intervention program and implementation of the tiered intervention model in the division. After many years as a pediatric social worker, Kathryn turned her attention to the academic needs of students with chronic medical conditions. With a PhD in educational psychology her interests are in academic motivation and long term outcomes. She has been an active member of HEAL, having served various leadership roles in APHOES and AECMN prior to the merge. She is currently a member of the editorial committee for Continuity in Education.

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2021 HEAL Virtual Conference Session/Speaker Evaluation





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